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Aldi Gardenline Strimmer Parts
Aldi is repeatedly voted supermarket of the year for good reason - it offers some great-quality goods at unbeatable prices. These include a range of garden tools; however, Aldi is not a manufacturer and you need Simply Bearings for your Aldi Gardenline strimmer parts and consumables.
This section contains replacement Aldi Gardenline grass strimmer spools and cutting lines for most models. If you cannot identify the spares you need, please call our customer service line. Our expert advisors will help to identify the precise parts and locate any not currently listed in stock.
The majority of the Aldi range uses two flexible cutting lines, kept taut by the centrifugal rotation of the cutting head. These cords are intended to wear out in use and be replaced with cord unwound from the spool. When the spool is empty, you can either attempt to wind new cord into it or replace the old cassette with a new one ready loaded with fresh cutting line.
Be aware that winding new cord into the old spools can be a fiddly job. The spools comprise retaining bolts, caps, housings, springs and clips; some are left-wound, others right-wound; and the majority require the separate reloading of twin channels on the spindle. Simply Bearings can usually find you replacement caps, bolts and springs to fit your Aldi Gardenline strimmer heads if they are lost in the course of disassembly or during use.
Using pre-loaded spools is straightforward; however, always ensure the power is safely off before risking any contact with electrical or moving parts of your appliance. While changing the cassette, check there is no build-up of garden debris inside the housing and that no parts are damaged or missing; in particular, confirm that your Aldi Gardenline strimmer heads are clean, intact and uncracked.
If you decide to wind new cutting line onto old spools, always use the recommended gauge of line. Most Aldi Gardenline grass strimmer spools and cutting lines are manufactured for 1.5mm cutting lines, but you should check your manual for confirmation. Fitting over-heavy cord will not improve performance; in fact, it can overtax the motor and cause line feed problems.
Due to the risks of flying debris when using a strimmer, all manufacturers recommend protective clothing such as garden gloves and safety glasses. We have suitable protective wear available in other sections of the catalogue.
Looking after your Aldi strimmer
In use, avoid impact with the ground, edging, or with woody or sinuous plants. Move into denser areas of grass slowly, avoiding any slowing of the motor, and give your strimmer a rest if it begins to get hot.
Always replace Aldi Gardenline strimmer parts as promptly as possible. If you allow the line to get too short or worn, it is common to repeatedly lose it inside the cassette. Replacements are inexpensive, so it makes sense to keep several spares to hand.