Renold European (BS) Duplex Chain: The Renold precision steel roller chain is a highly efficient and versatile means of transmitting mechanical power, which, in the field of industrial applications, has almost completely superseded all other types of chain previously used. A Renold precision steel roller chain consists of a series of journal bearings held in precise relationship to each other by the constraining link plates. Each bearing consists of a bearing pin and bush on which the chain roller revolves. The bearing pin and bush are case hardened to allow articulation under high pressures, and to content with the load carrying pressures and gearing action imparted via the chain rollers.
Brand / Quality: Renold - High Quality Chain Pitch: 50.8mm = 2 inch Chain Breakers & Splitters?
Simply bearings are the UK's largest online retailer of bearings, seals, belts, chains, sprockets, lubricants and other associated power transmission equipment.
Simply Bearings Ltd, Halton House, Greenfold Way, Leigh Greater Manchester WN7 3XJ United kingdom
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